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Starts July 7th

Summer Meisner Intensive

The Meisner Technique was developed by Sanford Meisner over 70 years ago and remains one of the leading acting training techniques today.

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Starts April 15 Tuesdays at 6:30 pm

ACTING FOR BEGINNERS: The Character in Performance

Sale price$510.00

An actor is limited only by the range of their instrument.  This instrument includes the voice, body, breath, and emotional accessibility. This class allows our professional acting program students to add conservatory-level voice training to their curriculum. The Fitzmaurice Technique is designed to let your body and voice work with freedom and full expression to access your creativity and emotional range.  If you have issues with tension, emotional connection, or anxiety, this class specifically addresses:

Exploring Technique

Starts February 6 Thursdays at 6:30 pm

ACTING FOR BEGINNERS: Exploring Technique

Sale price$510.00

Exploring Technique class offers valuable exercises from various techniques as well as performance experience to develop a strong acting foundation. This overview class puts what we consider four major skill sets to work.

  1. Creative Accessibility
  2. Physical Awareness
  3. Vocal Development and
  4. Positive Collaboration.

Exploring Technique is designed to expose new actors to the way actors train, get them out of their heads and into their bodies so they can explore this creative form.


January 13th , 2025

Scene Study

Scene Study is a weekly workout for trained actors, allowing them to dive deep into scripts, characters, and emotions to ensure they are at the top of their game when their opportunity arrives.

We all want the opportunity to sink our teeth into a meaty character or a dynamic conflict. Scene Study at EMAS is your opportunity to consistently flex your acting muscles and refine your craft. Through working on scenes of various genres, the actors discover their strengths and weaknesses with the help of a trained director’s eye.

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