WORD OF THE DAY- Curiosity

One of the most important words, important personality traits an actor needs to be great is CURIOSITY

Curiosity will lead an actor to:

  • Stay present – 

Curiosity about their acting partners can help actors stay connected and improve their ability  to read behavior and respond honestly.  It also allows actors to stay engaged in the moment which can be difficult to maintain now that the average American’s attention span is only about 12 seconds long.

Curiosity will lead an actor to

  • Disrupt Assumptions – HELPING them avoid being limited by logic and the obvious. 

Curiosity can help actors explore what’s really going on without the pressure of being right or wrong…just what could be. Curiosity keeps actors from creating surface-level characters by wanting to figure out the whys, the hows and the what happends.  Great actors think seriously about human nature and never stop exploring the different ways a character can be represented or a story can be told.

Curiosity helps actors

  • Dig deeper –

Curiosity can help actors discover more about their own points of view in the world.  Actors must be curious about themselves as well as others.  Always asking themselves – how do I feel about this or that… once you realize what stimulates you and HOW – you can really open up and put those feelings into FULLY EXPRESSED BEHAVIOR.  

Sometimes people can become so fearful and desensitized that we have NO IDEA how we feel about ANYTHING… so get CURIOUS.  It can feel scary to have big feelings but curiosity is  what helps an actor grow their willingness to take risks and therein lies their artistry.


If you are curious about the craft of acting we reach out to us at [email protected] or 323-528-6280